Critically acclaimed documentaries, chart-topping podcasts

Two of our titles have been developed into features and working with our partners in the industry, we have produced sports films for Universal Pictures, BT Sport and other major platforms.

Our podcasts have had 30 million listens, been nominated for industry awards and attracted commericial partnerships from international brands.

Film Case Study
Take the Ball, Pass the Ball Universal Pictures

Take the Ball, Pass the Ball

In 2012, we published Barca: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World, which profiled FC Barcelona's incredible success under Pep Guardiola. The book was a huge critical and commercial success, winning multiple awards and being translated into 13 languages. 

The book was optioned by Zoom Sports, who we worked with closely on the production of Take the Ball, Pass the Ball, released by Universal Pictures in 2018. 

BackPage were a creative driving force behind both the book and the film.

Podcast Case Study

The Big Interview with Graham Hunter

The Big Interview gave footballers a new way to tell their stories – serious football conversations where the athlete had time and space to show their true personality, far away from the soundbites and clickbait of their usual media interactions.

Across eight seasons, the show has had over 25 million listens and over 120 guests, including Jurgen Klopp, Gary Neville, Virgil Van Dijk, Emi Martinez and, in this clip, Adam Lallana.

As part of the show's development, we struck a four-year exclusive partnership with Bet365. This involved branded content - in the form of sponsor questions baked into the show - a host read and branded social clips.